Monday, November 15, 2010

Not much, just life

Got and played Black-ops, did not like. Will likely sell it back. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood comes out tonight. Yay.

Ate at Sushi Koyo, excellent as usual.

Tried Honda-ya in City of Industry. Tasty, Costly, Would Do Again.

Finished "The Pacific." Excellent. Even better, I was warm that night/morning.
 Best night in quite some time. Morning even more fun.

Makes me want to move out even more now.

Painted the fence I've been putting off for the last two weeks.

Met a neighbor/friend that I hadn't seen for a while. Updated mental fact sheet.

Work is as usual. 

Need to catch up on my homework.

Need to do Christmas shopping, even if I won't be around for Christmas.

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