Thursday, January 27, 2011

K701s and Cracked Ribs

I cracked my rib snowboarding. Oddly enough, it's the same rib I cracked last time.

It hurts.

I got myself a pair of AKG K701s to sooth myself.
Some might ask why I didn't get K702s.
Answer: I like white better.

In order to drive these cans, I needed a better amp than the one I have now. Will be getting a Bellari HA540 in the mail soon. Will probably be tube rolling, if I can dig out those looted tubes I had.

Had a stakeout yesterday. Nan joined me and brought along his projector. Was less boring than it usually is.

Haven't been taking as many photos as I would like, and those that I have taken didn't come out very well. Will work more on this when rib heals.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Minecraft Skin!

I've been playing this rather popular indie game for a month or two now, but recently decided to make a skin of myself. Thought I'd share it here.

There's also a version with my Maxpedition Sitka, but this one is more recognizable to be me. And no, it's not a beard, it's me after not shaving for a few days. Yes, it grows really fast.

In other news:

Bad News:
Today, some kid supposedly accidentally shot two kids in Gardena High School when he dropped his backpack and his gun went off. Idiot.

Good News:
Today, AB962 was struck down in court! Yay! I can buy some goddamn Makarov ammo again!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Falling into a habit

My sleep schedule has regularized. I'll try to go to sleep around midnight, wake up around 0700, roll around the bed until 0745, get to work by 0800.

Breakfast consists of toast, or dumplings, and juice, tea, or Tang.

On a normal day, I'll work till a)I get an injury that requires I go home to take care of it, b) finish by 1600, or c) work till 2000hrs.

Between the hours of 1200-2000 are two or three meals, depending if I forget a meal or two. My average day will include about 150 miles of driving.

When I get home, I'll have a few hours to take care of things: online browsing, letters, paperwork, etc.

S**t, shower, shave, and sleep comes around midnight.

and then, I'll wake up 0700, and start the cycle all over again.

In other news:

Arizona shooting: jumped on by every political critter, Liberal or not. Disgusted.

And postage to Hong Kong is more than it used to be(two standard stamps). Now it's two stamps plus $.10. Ugh.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Contemplative Rain

There's something powerful in standing in the woods during rain- the fresh, crisp grass, pale in its newness wrapping around ankles and calves, the cold damp biting deep into nostrils, the overcast sky casting pensive light down on all the world, and the light rain tapping its repetitive percussive soundtrack all the while.

The scene around you becomes your entire world: the dense trees, bark darkened in dampness, and the ever pervasive green sprawl under it.

You see nothing else, you smell nothing else, you hear only the raindrops on the leaves, and feel naught but those same wet fingers caressing your shoulders and hair.

It's a quiet contemplative time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, 2011!

The best New Year's parties I've ever had!

And I had a New Year's Kiss! (Had to chase the girl around a bit, but I did get it!)

Slightly drunk, but still mostly coherent.

Tiff's leaving for HK tomorrow morning, won't be back till May/June! What will I do!

Resolved to be more affectionate and be more reliable! And to move out!

In other news:

Having used my Incase DSLR Sling Bag for a goodly amount of time now, I heartily recommend it. It's awesome. Detailed review later.

Purchased Heinlein's JOB: a Comedy of Justice. Will read it tomorrow, if I can.