Thursday, January 31, 2013

Got Sick, Got Better, Got Sushi

Caught a cold. Probably from my father. Gargled lots of whiskey. Got Better. And then I went and got sushi.

I was craving it.

Still am, really.

Nosedot returned to Baltimore for her last semester at school. Sigh. Whose nose do I poke now?

Back on kettlebells again.

Friend's girlfriend's birthday over the weekend. Went to dinner at Gyu-kaku in LA.
It's no longer AYCE, and I got dripped on constantly by a leaky roof. On the other hand, I knew the waiter(Evan, from Econ. Small world.), and we got happy hour pricing for my trouble(although I was not alone, another girl, Carol, joined in my misery, somewhat.).

Went clubbing at Busby's East afterwards. Decided I had my fill of such places for the next year or two.

In other news:

Pick and pluck foam is cool, but tedious to work with.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Trouble Strikes Back!

Last year's issues make their way into this year! Suck.

Back hurts, has nothing to do with new hammock.

Went shooting, was awesome. Last hurrah for guns before gun ban?

Took part in DineLA even when I planned not to. Went to Little Next Door.
The lamb shank was good.

Stuck with kettlebells for a week, then back hurt, now doing pushups until back recovers.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Slow Down, Son

Things are calm now that I'm home.

Except for the fact that everyone is freaking out over possible gun ban and all the store shelves are empty.

Price of an AR has damn near tripled in three weeks. Goddamn Newtown.

Wouldn't putting the gun control effort into something like mental health and counseling be more effective than banning guns? It's not like guns are the reason for the shooting.

I can't even get a goddamn M1A, and it's unlikely that the Democrats will ban those.

And seriously, why the hell can't I get a Dragunov in Kalifornia?  What makes it so much more dangerous than say, a M1A?!

In other news:

Today was Day 2 of my waking up at 7:00AM to work out. Morning workouts, while more injurious than afternoon workouts, have the advantage of being more consistent. Kettlebell swings, lead me to...something. I actually don't know what I'm aiming for.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Texas again

WARNING: Whiny Rant Ahead!!! Detour at upper right hand X!

Had a pretty fine week, all things considered.

This week will be different though. I'm in El Paso now, on the way to Houston. Things need doing, I'm going to do them. Problem is, my father is in the driver's seat.

The trip will take a week. I planned for about 12 hours of lectures.

I've already sat though 4.

Something about how I go out too much, stay out too late, never do anything right(but don't lose confidence in yourself, your self-confidence is low enough! And btw, that thing you did 2 weeks ago that I said you did fine at? You actually fucked it up, but I just didn't want to tell you or you would be sad and lose confidence, so instead I'll tell you now.), and how my current girlfriend isn't suitable and how it's all his fault and he doesn't know how to talk to me because I always complain about him and so on and so forth.

And that was after he compared me to one of his business partners who he had spent about an hour and a half telling me what a useless failure he(the partner) was.

Basically, I need to:

1: Break up with my girlfriend(most important)

2: Stop fucking up everything I touch

3: Don't complain(in my day...up hill both a typhoon...)

4: No backtalk

5: If you try to move out, the taxman will eat you, right after you try eating your own unboiled boots because you couldn't afford food or gas to cook your boots on your allowance.

Simple enough. I'll get right on that. After my self-confidence gets low enough I give up on any semblance of my own life all together.

Shouldn't take too much longer.

It's really not easy being my father's son.

In other somewhat related news:

Had McDonald's twice today. Chicken nuggets both times. And bottled water. I swear I'll have a McRib before I go home.

I swear it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another Year Gone By

It's 2013 now.

Spent New Year's Eve playing boardgames. Yeah.

Settlers of Catan, and Pandemic. Thinking about getting Wasabi(it could be terrible, but I like sushi).

Spent Christmas at my girlfriend's house. Her twin just leased a 2013 Accord Sport(with 4 more horsepower than Vanilla!). Looks good.

Had a few days of not much to do. Feels annoying and odd.

Not getting along too well with my father these last few days. Meh.


Keep last year's resolution. Totally forgot about it.