Sunday, October 24, 2010

First Encounter with Energy Drinks

For the first twenty-one years of my life, I have abstained from drinking...

Energy drinks that is, I would never give up alky.

Well, yesterday, as part of the procedure to procure a ride to a friend's birthday(which, from the pictures and the parts I remember, was awesome!) I was made to drink a 24oz can of Four Loko(Blue Rasberry), and my results can be summed up in a haze of disgust, fun, and inability to sleep.

That and I hate myself right now; if this is what normal people's hangovers feel like, give me back my quick and dirty, high-metabolism hangovers!

Pics from the night can be found of FB, for those that know me. For those that don't, well, you wouldn't be interested anyway.

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